Lagoon Marine is pleased to offer boat hauling services to customers!
We use a Con-o-Lift trailer for hauling boats due to the versatility of the hydraulic trailer. Con-o-Lift trailers are safe, efficient, maneuverable, flexible and easy to operate. Since the trailer frame itself does most of the lifting, we’re able to be of service in almost any hauling situation you can name.
The advantages of a clean, open-frame design combined with the added benefits of extended frame lift, hydraulic expanding-width frames and self-centering bow pads, are all to obvious. Our Con-o-Lift trailer can handle boats from 14 to 38 feet, and up to 18,000 pounds. The boat pictured here is a 35-foot Formula.
Please Contact us here at Lagoon Marine, Inc. if you have questions about our capabilities or if you are in any need of our boat hauling services.